Fire Element Amulet
The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. If these signs are anywhere in your chart, you claim Fire sign energy. Passionate and intense, your energy is high, dynamic and magnetizing. You value your freedom, command attention, and live life on your own terms above all. You have the powerful ability to regenerate no matter what may happen. This double-sided spinner amulet is hinged so that it is fully dynamic, meaning that it spins smoothly and can be worn on either side, and is inlaid with Carnelian, an energetic stone of passion, courage and strength.
When you put on your pendant, your Element symbol should be facing upright on the back, where it rests against your skin. Because of the dynamic spinning nature of these pendants, you may notice your Element to appear upside down when you put it on. To fix, simply remove, flip and put it back on the reverse way, and it will be right side up.